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Showing posts from April, 2007

My Life Synonymous With Spring

For my sparse yet adoring fans wondering like me …."Is Spring ever going to get here?" Be encouraged, use the time indoors to reflect and rejuvenate yourselves on the inside. I penned these poems a few weeks after a slightly hellish but awakening trip to Indianapolis and Chicago O'Hare Airports which inspired me to take more time to do nothing. Date: February 25, 2007 Time: Morning Location: At My Kitchen Table ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Life Synonymous With Spring I see my happiness far off, like the rise of the sun on the horizon. It looks faint but bright and I start to remember the smell of Spring, My well of joy, now's bout empty And I wonder why I feel the way I do I am waiting to abound forward, like the newness of Spring. Brought forth Brought into Brought out of My life synonymous with Spring. But to me I am hard to find Like hedge clippers lost in the weeds of tall grass Like grasshoppers against the roar of heavy traffic I am there jus